The NYT and other news outlets have tried to call this behavior an anomaly, not related to abortion. Sadly, this is the logical end to abortion. This is what happens we allow ourselves to see other human beings as sub-human. Consider the picture below, of an African-American slave. By all accounts, Southerners had dehumanized the slaves they controlled to make their treatment of them seem "moral" Apologists for slavery called "Negros" inferior to whites, while "biologists" claimed that biologically, they were less than human. Some even claimed that treatment such as evidenced below, was for their own good, because they weren't capable of making decisions on their own.

If a reference to the Shoah or Holocaust seems out-of-place when discussing abortion, it shouldn't. The only way that such atrocities against humanity are able to happen are when we denigrate and dehumanize other humans as not human. Hitler and his National Socialists were clear that Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies, Catholics, Poles, and communists were somehow less than human. This attitude allowed them to treat those in captivity the same way some American slave owners treated their slaves: with inhuman brutality.
By most accounts, the genocide of the Shoah and the Rwandan genocide and the enslavement of Africans by Europeans in the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries are extreme low points in human history. How can we have any faith in humanity after these incidents? The example of dr. Gosnell and abortion as a whole are clearly reflected in these examples.
First, we start with a dehumanizing attitude. To the Germans, Hutus and Tutsis, and Americans, the "other" is somehow less than human. They are burdens to society, to personal well-being. They are incapable of "rational thought". They are "untermenchen", "niggers", "fetuses": not completely human. The pictures show the result of this attitude. While these pictures are disturbing enough, the dissection of a pre-born baby is too much to stomach, to repulsive. However, to abortion-supporters, these are "babies", but fetuses, or blobs of tissue, or to atheist monster PZ Meyers: meat.
Second, we have government compliance. We know that it was the government that sponsored and encouraged Shoah and the Rwandan genocide. They provided the impetus and infrastructure, they provided the means and was the populace who stood idly by. With slavery, government allowed, made it legal, and provided the legal infrastucture to protect the "peculiar institution". In most of the Industrial world, abortion is protected by law, a supposed "right". As witnessed in Pennsylvania and most any state where Planned Parenthood has presence, the government not only turns a blind eye to the goings on, but they provide money to support the murders. In addition, much like the press in Germany, Rwnada, and the antebellum South, not only turns a blind eye to atrocities (like the NYT on Gosnell), but works to garner support for the actions.
Gosnell isn't an aberration. He is the logical conclusion. His callousness toward all human life save his own is the logical end to a pro-abortion mindset. He, like George Tiller and other abortionists, have inhumanly distanced themselves from humanity so as to provide their "service". Like the "hero" in Camus' Stranger who kills a man in cold blood and feels no remorse, thus it is with the pro-abortionist. Is it any surprise that such creature will care about a clean clinic, about following civil law when he has abrogated Natural and Divine Law?
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